A. Clicking on the Prospects option under the Sales tab provides the user with a useful calendar screen displaying all the tasks that are scheduled and/or have been completed on that day.
It is possible to view a day, week, or month at a time by selecting the appropriate option in the top right-hand corner. The default is always the current day view and the left and right arrows in the top left-hand corner allow the user to select the next/previous day, week, or month.
Adding a task from the Calendar screen: If the user clicks on a blank time slot they will get the option to add a visit or add a task. Select one of these options to add the details of the task or visit and also to attach it to either an existing prospect or create a new prospect.
Managing existing activities: If a task (i.e. call) or visit has already been scheduled, it will be displayed on the calendar screen. Clicking on the activity will expand it to show the name of the prospect and the details of the visit or task. The user can then click ‘view prospect’ to go directly to the prospect record. Once the task has been completed, the user can mark the task as completed and this will update the calendar screen to show the task with a line struck through the middle of it.
You can view the full details of the entire prospect system in our online product manual here!
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