A. In order to get the most information out of your prospects list, there are a number of filters which you can apply to the list.
First, navigate to the prospects list by going to Sales > Prospects and then clicking on 'View All'. This will take you to a list of prospects, with the filter options at the top.
(Please right-click and 'View image')
You can filter by 'signed up' and 'not signed up'. This can help with your sales figures, to see how many prospects have signed up and been converted to members. On the opposite end of the scale, choosing 'not signed up' will help you focus resources on prospects who are still potential sales.
Similarly, you can also filter the prospects by those who have attended, or missed a visit in the past. Again, this works to aid in your managing of prospects.
Filtering by prospect type allows you to isolate those who became a prospect through specific means, whereas filtering by source allows you to specifically target people who heard about your club by different means – for example, through social media, if you have had a recent campaign.
You can also filter people who were added by or are assigned to certain staff members.
Filtering by prospect state is particularly useful, as this allows you to target prospects who are 'hot' and more likely to result in a sale. It also enables you to view people marked as 'blow out' or prospects whose lead has gone 'cold'.
Once you have finalised your search filters, the remaining list of prospects each have a 'view prospect' button next to them. From the prospect's profile, you can add tasks, or send them an individual email, a full explanation of the prospect profile is here.
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